Thursday, September 29, 2016

Inequality: Can Social Media Resolve Social Divisions? Analysis

        This article was by far the most well written in terms of structure and the amount of research. It uses interviews, her own experiments and interviews with people. While the other articles was based mostly on personal experiences. This article is just filled with footnotes indicating the amount of research that was used in the writing of this article. The article is broken up into different sections with a great intro about an interview with a young teen about gang problems affecting life. Then it transitions to incorporate the segregated divisions from the interview to address the divisions in social media. The splitting of the article allows for the author to focus on specific topics under the overall theme of the article. Which was not evident in the other two articles we read.
       There are subtle biased divisions with technology whether it be image recognition on Kinect being able to detect white skin better than black skin and major racism on medias like Twitter. This relation of the fine line between outright racism and subtle divisions is evident. When a girl going to a school known for its diversity was very divided on things like Facebook, but was didn't seem noticeable in school. These types of experiments are what separates this article from the previous two as she combines a personal story with research rather than definitely dividing it. This combination allows for readers to recognize the ethos of a intelligent writer that has done her own research while combining the draw of personal story.
        The simple view of perspective became another point of debate for divisions between people. Things like the just layout of sites like Myspace and Facebook would cause divisions between people just because of perspective. It showed how something simple as that would cause divisions in race and groups of people to stick together. How things like simple vs clean looking would vary between races seems trivial but cause huge divisions. The author finishes the article with a quote from Hilary Clinton to provide how even very influential politicians even take note of the Internet. This article was better than the previous two articles due to the combination of all the types of evidence and implementation of them versus the previous two.

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