Thursday, September 22, 2016

Pissing in the Sink

The reading “Overly Documented Life” is the author’s experience of documenting everything he has done in a day by video camera, Fitbit, mood trackers, and meal trackers. The main point of the article is that the author wants to combat the things humans forget throughout the day; through the use of “lifelogging.
            The personal, autobiographical part of Huxley’s 3 directions is obviously the biggest part of the article. As the article is mostly about his personal life through the view of his camera. The main point in the article combatting the forgetfulness of the human mind in everyday events is shown through the massive amounts of details of his personal life. He even references how the human mind can make up things or fill up the forgotten memory. For example, he references arguments between him and his wife, also peeing in the sink. The touch of personal info makes the article easy to read as it isn’t just an informative reading, but draws you in with imagery and humor.
            There is not that much factual information or data for this subject, as he is one of the few people who does it. He mentions things like Apple making devices subject to be turned off in certain areas due to copyright issues that could be foreseen. He mentions Google Glass as a product that could put lifelogging as common thing, sorry that didn’t happen.

            There is some abstract thoughts in that the author puts perspective on the human race regarding lifelogging. He asks questions like would crime or conflict be reduced due to everything able to be recalled on. With the absence of forgetfulness, you could find if your salesman is doing his job or ripping you off, he lists as an example. He also says that it would interesting on how the world would change through lifelogging and with this newfound lack of forgetting stuff how would society progress. 

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