Thursday, September 29, 2016

Inequality: Can Social Media Resolve Social Divisions? Analysis

        This article was by far the most well written in terms of structure and the amount of research. It uses interviews, her own experiments and interviews with people. While the other articles was based mostly on personal experiences. This article is just filled with footnotes indicating the amount of research that was used in the writing of this article. The article is broken up into different sections with a great intro about an interview with a young teen about gang problems affecting life. Then it transitions to incorporate the segregated divisions from the interview to address the divisions in social media. The splitting of the article allows for the author to focus on specific topics under the overall theme of the article. Which was not evident in the other two articles we read.
       There are subtle biased divisions with technology whether it be image recognition on Kinect being able to detect white skin better than black skin and major racism on medias like Twitter. This relation of the fine line between outright racism and subtle divisions is evident. When a girl going to a school known for its diversity was very divided on things like Facebook, but was didn't seem noticeable in school. These types of experiments are what separates this article from the previous two as she combines a personal story with research rather than definitely dividing it. This combination allows for readers to recognize the ethos of a intelligent writer that has done her own research while combining the draw of personal story.
        The simple view of perspective became another point of debate for divisions between people. Things like the just layout of sites like Myspace and Facebook would cause divisions between people just because of perspective. It showed how something simple as that would cause divisions in race and groups of people to stick together. How things like simple vs clean looking would vary between races seems trivial but cause huge divisions. The author finishes the article with a quote from Hilary Clinton to provide how even very influential politicians even take note of the Internet. This article was better than the previous two articles due to the combination of all the types of evidence and implementation of them versus the previous two.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

consider the lobster

This article starts out with the author visiting Maine and writing about the culture of the lobster industry. The author writes about a very big festival called the Maine Lobster Festival. It is a huge even with coverage even from news networks like CNN. Where a ridiculous amounts of lobster is eaten, 25,000 pounds to be exact. The author goes about the history of the lobster to issues about eating lobster.
            The autobiographical aspect of this article is top heavy in that he writes about his experience at the lobster festival. He gives good detail in that feeling of being there; whether it be the crowded benches, lines of people, or world’s largest lobster cooker. He gives imagery into cooking it at home, and the imagery of experience.
            The factual part is the heaviest part of this article as it is the main point of the article. The author gives points about the history of the lobster from early in American history. How it was ironic how lobster was the “poor man’s food” compared to the luxury today. He then moves onto the argument of whether lobsters can actually feel pain or not using heavily detailed information about the biology of the lobster. He is very well informed into the argument for both sides and the scientific aspect as while as the moral argument from groups like PETA. He does not have a bias in the argument but just presents it from either side.
            The abstract idea is the main argument in that is it immoral to cook lobsters alive. It juggles the desire to have it at its freshest point when cooked. That it’s a novelty nowadays to see the live lobster before eating. However, groups like PETA provide a good argument in that if we did this to other animals it would be easily animal cruelty of the highest levels. Imagery of having the “world’s largest cow killer” or how lobster react to boiling water much like to that of a human. The whole ethics and moral values behind lobster preparation is brought to question whether humans are being barbaric in nature by eating the animal this way instead of more humane ways.

Experiment essay topic

For the experiment essay I plan on doing various types of sprinting types of exercise every weekday. I chose this experiment because I have had bad cardio for most of my life, but also have gotten really bad shin splints and knee pains when doing long distance running. I want to see if doing sprinting exercise will help with my cardio and become more overall fit without the nuisance of injury or issues of longer distance running. I have never thought of doing sprinting exercises until my friend recommended it to me. I also have been weightlifting every weekday as well, so I want to see if doing these exercise will hamper my routine or further boost it.
            For training purposes, I have decided to join my friend in running club and join him in his sprint workouts. He is pretty qualified as a sprinter, as being invited to nationals in high school and being an All American sprinter for club. I will also use articles online for help in training and others experiences with proceeding this route for cardio exercise.
            This experiment I feel will help me change me for the better, the worst thing would be if it hampered my weight training progress. I already have built one solid habit since coming here to Virginia Tech, I feel this one will much harder for me however. To track my progress, I will set goals in simple things such as times for certain distances, feeling in running, and how good my technique is in things like breathing or form. I hope to gain strength, overall cardio, speed, and stress relief.  

Improving my cardio will allow me to improve in other aspects of my life that I love. Things like sports will improve if my goals are achieved, in that speed and fitness will be stronger. I will gain stronger work ethic in pushing through with routine. The stress relief may help me with my studies and social life. This may be the routine that leads to the overall change to a better student and person. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Pissing in the Sink

The reading “Overly Documented Life” is the author’s experience of documenting everything he has done in a day by video camera, Fitbit, mood trackers, and meal trackers. The main point of the article is that the author wants to combat the things humans forget throughout the day; through the use of “lifelogging.
            The personal, autobiographical part of Huxley’s 3 directions is obviously the biggest part of the article. As the article is mostly about his personal life through the view of his camera. The main point in the article combatting the forgetfulness of the human mind in everyday events is shown through the massive amounts of details of his personal life. He even references how the human mind can make up things or fill up the forgotten memory. For example, he references arguments between him and his wife, also peeing in the sink. The touch of personal info makes the article easy to read as it isn’t just an informative reading, but draws you in with imagery and humor.
            There is not that much factual information or data for this subject, as he is one of the few people who does it. He mentions things like Apple making devices subject to be turned off in certain areas due to copyright issues that could be foreseen. He mentions Google Glass as a product that could put lifelogging as common thing, sorry that didn’t happen.

            There is some abstract thoughts in that the author puts perspective on the human race regarding lifelogging. He asks questions like would crime or conflict be reduced due to everything able to be recalled on. With the absence of forgetfulness, you could find if your salesman is doing his job or ripping you off, he lists as an example. He also says that it would interesting on how the world would change through lifelogging and with this newfound lack of forgetting stuff how would society progress. 

Thursday, September 15, 2016

blog endnote 3

The background context and info on what caused so much discourse about Hillary Clinton is very well written. There is a complete lack of which articles you are using which is an easy fix, just introduce each article as the others have written in. I would replace any pronouns involving yourself providing opinion, to just becoming a statement into the article. For example, instead of I think this was a strong article;write this is a strong article because/due to… This paper is not supposed to have your bias to be written into the paper, but rather the bias of your sources. As this is an objective assignment not subjective. Next, If you also have an article that is writing basically only facts, and is devoid of an actual argument. Then add the evidence in said article to give the reader an example and insight into the article. I would possibly add also the sources for the data or the ethos behind the author compiling this raw numbers. The second paragraph has a very good quote, but it also a very long quote and may seem just like a word filler for intents and purposes. I think you did very well in summarizing all three articles, especially the third, by putting insight behind each process of the advertisement and breaking it down. This just being a rough draft it’s alright you didn't put a conclusion but just add that to summarize your thesis using the three articles with what discourse happens. Overall very well written paper.

blog endnote 2

This paper is really solid. The lack of fluff or any bs in a topic that could easily be filled with. As the others said this paper is very good at being straight to the point and concise. The introduction gave a very straight forward yet interesting description of the topic and issue you chose. I would give more quotes or evidence for each of your sources. You would list that people would say something but then not show evidence or an example of said thing. Very good insight on authors using ethos in showing celebrities/athletes supporting Kaepernick. The third source is probably the best paragraph in the paper as it uses a powerful quote and imagery. It is transitioned to very well from the introduction. As a main argument against Kaepernick is that it insults the soldiers in our military and their service. The paper’s conclusion while being short is very straight to the point like the paper, however I would possibly give a little summary of the paper in the conclusion. This is mostly due to your paper being very short compared to the requirement, even though this is just a rough draft. You’re still missing out on like 500 words which is about another page and half. So while the paper is concise it needs more examples and evidence/ possible add a more in depth summary of the article to give a more complete feel. Overall a very well done paper and follows the prompt very well. 

blog end note 1

Really excellent paper. I have to agree this is the best paper to keep me interested and informed at the same time. I did not feel like I was forcing myself to connect points or just flat out keep reading. The transition from informal to formal was very well done, I would include some evidence from your most formal article to represent the tone of the article. As you did with your first article of the blog. This is true for the second article as well. It just seemed a little off, when you have many quotes for your first article to little to none in the latter two articles. For example in your conclusion you state about the calm, collected tone  but you actually list no examples of the evidence. I know this is nitpicky, but there is very little to improve on your paper.  The paper has a very good analysis of all the articles in finding the intended purpose toward its respective audience. You have a real good understanding on what the author was going for in each article, for example the second article providing a balance between students and adults alike. As the introduction and conclusion are very well done in providing background info and then wrapping the paper off by relating back to your thesis. There isn’t really anything wrong with your paper, and very few minor tweaks. Sorry to not really be helping in improving your paper, but it is really well done.

Thursday, September 8, 2016


The broad range of discourse across the media allows for individuals to express their prevalent views on topics and issues in society, and in this case whether or not college athletes should be paid. This range allows for diverse types of voice, purpose, and media context; all the while allowing for different types of audiences to find all kinds of articles for their pleasure or learning experience. Formal and informal articles have their key differences that separate them to convey different purposes. This is evident in how an informal magazine like Complex would have a different purpose compared to a more formal New York Times article. My informal article has entertainment purposes, all the while it keeps a common purpose of persuading the audience to be in favor of paying college athletes. The purpose is different slightly in my formal article in that while it has same view on persuasion, it elaborates on details, and shows how to actually execute a plan to pay college athletes. The biggest part of the issue is that the NCAA made $989 million in 2014 alone, and the schools in the FBS, the top tier of Division 1 football alone, made $2.7 billion dollars in revenue while accruing a $1.3 billion profit. All the while the athletes fueling this multi million dollar enterprise don't make a dime and have harsh restrictions against donations or benefits of any kind.  How they use voice is how the articles differ; The Complex article uses more of a voice of like that of a conversation, while the New York Times is a more of an informational use. This is suited to the media context and audience in that Complex wants to grab the reader’s attention and stay engrossed in the article of not as highlighted issue. This is not the case for the New York Times article in that it assumes the audience is more knowledgeable in the topic and uses things like counterarguments to keep the audience to think and debate about the topic. Between the two media sources it is obvious that voice and purpose is dictated by the media’s context and targeted audience due to the articles clear difference in these categories. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

source 2

This article breaks down the side of the debate of for paying college players into seven big points. The seven big points range from the massive size of the business of college athletics, how to pay athletes, or to how dumb or unreasonable any counterarguments to not paying athletes is. The main evidence is numbers, humor, and just plain appealing to the logos of the audience. Its main focus is to persuade the audience into being a for paying college athletes mindset due to how the article sets up a “overwhelming amount of points” it seems.
This article was very aggressive in that it regards the critics in saying that change is going to ruin the game. The use of humor in the home alone picture or bomb explosion shows the “over reaction” that critics have. It is less formal than my other newspaper article due to this being a online magazine. It has a lot of informal language in that it does not seem like an article but rather a paper a person would use in a informal debate with someone. The painting of critics just being plain dumb or ignorant is the main takeaway from this reading. The article does not seem to have the same oversight as my other article due to this.

“And so, for example, if your kid is the star of Home Alone, and they say 'Look, we are just going to pay for expenses. And if they do a really good job, maybe when they're older and they become an adult they can get paid then.' You would say, “No, no—this is not the school play. This is a multi-billion dollar business. Billions of dollars are being made and my kid is the star of the show. That’s not right. This is a commercial enterprise. (6).” This line from the article generalizes the language of the overall article, it’s very appealing to a common reader and plays on a bit of humor. This quote gets across a point in using an example that would be easy to envision for a audience. 

Peebles, Maurice. "7 Common Sense Reasons Why College Athletes Should Be Paid (According to Jay Bilas)." Complex. N.p., 3 Dec. 2015. Web. 5 Sept. 2016.

Source 1

This article is about how the author paints the absurdity of the reasons why others or specifically the NCAA has disregarded paying college athletes. The author states an outline on how to provide benefits with using things such as promoting more education, insurance and modifying the market. The author’s main argument is that college athletics is a business and that the main laborers should be compensated for the work they complete. This article uses the big numbers to exemplify of how big college athletics is from a business standpoint. To clarify how labeling it as a “amateur” sport is naïve. 
            The author’s audience is to anyone who will want indulge in a new view point on college athletics and willing to learn more/debate about the topic. He provides counterarguments to common arguments in relation to the topic. The language is not to threatening to any opposition to his view. His purpose is to enlighten people on the topic and persuade the audience to take his view. The language is not to harsh in relation to the NCAA because of probably editorial oversight due to the large footprint of the newspaper and NCAA. 
           “And what does the labor force that makes it possible for coaches to earn millions, and causes marketers to spend billions, get? Nothing. The workers are supposed to be content with a scholarship that does not even cover the full cost of attending college. (4)” This quote shows the main argument of the article on the large hole in the whole idea of the amateurism or that college athletes are somehow being fully paid by their education. 

Nocera, Joe. "Lets Start Paying College Athletes." New York Times 30 Dec. 2011: n.             pag. 30 Dec. 2011. Web. 5 Sept. 2016.                                                                       <                                   athletes.html?_r=0>

Thursday, September 1, 2016

The beginning of the essay

The topic I have chosen is college athletics, and I have chosen the issue of paying college athletes. I have chosen this topic due to my large interest into sports and specifically watching college sports. This topic is something I have always wanted to do more research on, so I feel that will keep me onto a subject that I find very interesting and allow me to not lose interest over time. I expect to find a very broad range of discourse due to this being a very highly debated issue over the years. The years published from which these articles will be taken from will be very wide to the nature of the issue being debated for a long time. I have a wide range of discourse that will range from court cases/analysis to newspapers such as the New York Times and Chicago Tribune. I will use these types of articles because of the nature of the writers backing up arguments with facts instead of complaints or no backing behind arguments. This topic has always interested me in that I would have debates with people about it or casually talk about it. So I will enjoy this more than other papers as I have interest in it.