Friday, October 28, 2016

"Does Race Exist" article

“Does Race Exist” discusses the issue with the perspective of humans regarding “race”. It differs across the world whether it be white, light skinned, black, and etc. The article is discussing the genetic makeup of the humans across the world determining their race.
            The authors both have tremendous amount of ethos, just in the language they speak in, and the fact they are renowned members towards the field of genetics. The article itself is obviously written for a more specialized group of people. This is shown in the manner of using scientific words and terminology. Given that it is published in Scientific American, it does make sense for it to be expected to have an audience with prior knowledge on the subject. With the purpose of informing the audience about their research results on the genomes. How the DNA is distinguished between the humans across the global according to their “races”. How the authors view their research was a good point. They wanted the research to flourish and spread to others for others to see.
            They could make this better for a more general audience would be to simplify the words to “English” for easier reading. When I see many scientific words, I just got bored and started browsing the internet due to being sidetracked. This is obviously hard because they can’t just modify their research to make it easier to read for the general public. However, the way they approached writing their article could change by using things in the “Black Holes” like imagery, figures, and examples.
            This article was very dry compared to “Black Holes”. The scientific vernacular was very difficult to push through at times as I was reading it. The “Black Holes” approached a complex scientific field while letting a general audience completely feel informed while not babied. Or not completely lost in the scientific jumble of words. The imagery in “Black Holes” was very easy to understand, in what could not be just put into a textbook definition to explain things. Things like grinding Mt. Everest into sand in a second is a very strong image, while getting across the point of how much energy is going on in a dying star. They could also give some info on how their research has impacted society. This could allow other fields to come into play to give more chance for wider audience.

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