Thursday, October 20, 2016

Black Holes

This was a very engaging article. It kept my interest throughout the whole article without inserting any fluff or overly complicated writing. It allowed for the readers to stay interested in the article using a variety of techniques such as imagery, comparisons, and overall interesting facts.
            For the factual aspect of this article, it uses many facts from the scientific community in regards to its history of the theory of black holes and the actual science. The history of Einstein and how black holes were the fictional imagination of scientists. Then how it progressed onto present day of a 99.9 percent acceptance that black holes are real. Things like debunking common myths about black holes, such as the sucking; in which black holes don’t suck harder than the original star, just at a smaller size with the same power. Or how comparing the power of black holes’ gravitational forces to things like nuclear bombs. The fact if we had a nuclear bomb going off every millisecond of the universe’s life, and it still wouldn’t have as much energy being given off as a dying star. Also using the imagery how mountains of iron the size of Mount Everest were being grinded to sand in a blink of an eye, just really draw in the audience.
            The autobiographical aspect isn’t very apparent in this article as it uses the scientific community’s history and its scientists as examples. Nothing is from the authors own history or his personal experiences. This was to keep this article from seeming biased or having too much personal touch to take away from the factual side of the article.
            The abstract ideas in this article are touched near the end in referencing things like the Big Bang Theory, multiverses, what would happen in the black hole. Things that are just so big in topic and interesting to everyone. What if the universe was started by a singularity? The time travel aspect, made me feel like Marty Mcfly for a second if I got near a black hole. Except for the whole being ripped apart from gravity it all seems so mind boggling awesome.


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