Saturday, December 10, 2016

Writing Relationship

            I am going to be honest, I always hated writing because I write in a different tone than I would speak in, due to the feeling of separation. However, I could write a analyzing paper way better than I could ever do through a vocal presentation. Being an accounting major, I don’t feel like writing papers will be that big in the occupation, but I am happy that I consider myself adequate at writing papers at a high standard. Compared to high school college is a way more fun setting to writing papers, because in high school I had to “fill” in my essays rather than struggle to cut stuff out of the paper.
            I think I have improved on a important part of writing, and I that is the relationship between the “prickles” and the “goo”. I was most definitely a prickles writer going all the way through high school. That’s mostly due to the grading of my teachers encouraging leaving voice out of papers unless necessary. Gaining that extra voice, was a great relief because it made papers fun to write rather than feeling like a standardized test that everyone must follow.

            Overall my relationship in writing is no longer feeling like an abusive relationship where I feel terrible whenever I have to write a paper. The only things I think I will have to improve on is keeping a clear voice and tone throughout the paper, by not overwhelming the paper with the prickles of the paper. It seems that this class has allowed me to not write off a subject in my life as being worthless out of school. Now if only I can apply this to Calculus…

Note to future students

To future students,

Sean is an easy person to work with, he makes arguably the most boring subject for me easygoing and great for you to thrive in. Other writing teachers may have given you boring constraints that really limit your creativity or your own style of writing. However, Sean will allow you to work your style into the prompt and let you choose your own topic within the prompts limits. I am not going to lie the first few prompts seemed like a nightmare waiting to happen, because it was something I have not done before, but it works out really well in the end. You will find new things to add to your writing, while also cutting some bad habits.
            Honestly the only gripe I could have in his class was the dreaded blog posts I am sure most of you will know before the first day of class. I am not going to sugarcoat it, it kind of sucks and will not really get better throughout the year. Though one good thing to gain from the blogs is that it will help you retain the information throughout the year. For example, if you want to pull a writing style from a article you had to analyze, you have a fast summary to fill you in on what you need. The writing 300 words minimum is the probably the hardest challenge you need to overcome, because as Sean says it, “it will allow you to push out of your comfort zone and challenge you”. It most definitely does, and you will feel it throughout the year.
            Overall Sean was the most “human” professor I had, he was the most understanding, the best at helping me with problems I had in papers, and was just a very chill professor. The classroom was relaxing, and did not feel like a place to dread or get stressed about. He helps you pace your papers throughout the year by requiring group edits, and you can email him for more advice. You guys won’t regret choosing Sean as your writing professor and good luck!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

intro 2

            There you are walking in your neighborhood, people smile at you, you haven’t felt this great in years. Why are you feeling this way? That’s because this is the first time you have walked since an accident took away your precious legs and left you wheelchair bounded. This is an amazing feat of human technology to restore people to their prior selves before an illness or accident. This is not without some drawbacks, while some kids are gleaming with intense joy as if they have seen a superhero strolling around in their neighborhood. There are some kids that fall in terror, run to their parents, or just flat out cry.
              While this is a harsh reality of bioengineering, nothing is perfect, especially the technology we have currently. While our current technology can allow the blind to see, the paralyzed move, or the disabled to live life to the fullest. It comes with the painful toll of either lugging around an exhaustingly heavy metal arm that is not comfortable in the slightest, or your arm can only work four hours of the day thereby teasing the user of restoration of his body.
            Fear Not! Technology is progressing faster than ever. The fear of this technology is the pressures on our scientists. While the demand is increasing everyday, the technology has to be built on a sturdy base to allow for progression to grow to the visions that we all dream of in our fantasies.

Intro 1

What can make the paralyzed walk, the blind see, and the hopeless have hope again. Is it magic? Is it some miracle? It can be seen that way, but no this is not magic, this is bioengineering. With the power of present day technology humans can soar to new heights that are only conceivable in comic books or movies. This is not to say the dawn of enhanced humans is on us. We are far from that, but are we progressing to make impossible things possible. Very much so. This is not all without some concerns however, there are tons of issues to fix before advancing the sci-fi and comic book realm of bioengineering. While the issues may either be of the ethical or actual problems with the technology will be explored.

            In Deus Ex, a video game about a dystopian universe where bioengineered humans are seen as lesser people and starts an all-out war. While something of that nature is not present in todays world, the ideology is. Whether we like it or not, some people will always be afraid of what they do not understand, or makes them feel beneath a superior individual. The image of prosthetics can be intimidating to some and causes the growth for the needed prosthetics to be stunted. The users of these technologies are also hampered by our current technology whether it be weight, durability, comfort, or other things. The state of our world is not being significantly affected on a large scale, but it has exponential effects for those involved. 

Friday, October 28, 2016

"Does Race Exist" article

“Does Race Exist” discusses the issue with the perspective of humans regarding “race”. It differs across the world whether it be white, light skinned, black, and etc. The article is discussing the genetic makeup of the humans across the world determining their race.
            The authors both have tremendous amount of ethos, just in the language they speak in, and the fact they are renowned members towards the field of genetics. The article itself is obviously written for a more specialized group of people. This is shown in the manner of using scientific words and terminology. Given that it is published in Scientific American, it does make sense for it to be expected to have an audience with prior knowledge on the subject. With the purpose of informing the audience about their research results on the genomes. How the DNA is distinguished between the humans across the global according to their “races”. How the authors view their research was a good point. They wanted the research to flourish and spread to others for others to see.
            They could make this better for a more general audience would be to simplify the words to “English” for easier reading. When I see many scientific words, I just got bored and started browsing the internet due to being sidetracked. This is obviously hard because they can’t just modify their research to make it easier to read for the general public. However, the way they approached writing their article could change by using things in the “Black Holes” like imagery, figures, and examples.
            This article was very dry compared to “Black Holes”. The scientific vernacular was very difficult to push through at times as I was reading it. The “Black Holes” approached a complex scientific field while letting a general audience completely feel informed while not babied. Or not completely lost in the scientific jumble of words. The imagery in “Black Holes” was very easy to understand, in what could not be just put into a textbook definition to explain things. Things like grinding Mt. Everest into sand in a second is a very strong image, while getting across the point of how much energy is going on in a dying star. They could also give some info on how their research has impacted society. This could allow other fields to come into play to give more chance for wider audience.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

iGod reading

This reading was kind of a letdown to me because the articles we have been reading recently have been getting better and more interesting. This seemed to be just like the article about women on the internet. It was very repetitive and lacked any singular focus. It felt all over the place jumping from topic to topic. The article was primarily about artificial intelligence and technology’s role in society. 
            This article compared to “Black Holes” was very opposite in the overall take of the article. First many, many different topics were talked about in this article, while “Black Holes” was primarily focused on black holes. There was a lot of imagery, and use of descriptions to help make a complicated subject simple. The “iGod” article was clearly not meant for a generalized audience, but rather a well-educated audience with a focus in technology.
            The facts in this article are a high point, as the author is clearly well informed on the topic pulling a lot of different sources for his variety of topics. He focuses on experts in each respective field to help his argument and provide more in depth knowledge in each subject. The article feels however very overloaded with all this information.
            The abstract idea is also prevalent in this article as it describes the uniqueness of technology. It has no shape or form and continues to grow exponentially, how it is becoming part of human thinking. How universal technology is how the author connects into the abstract idea of Huxley’s 3 ideas.
            The personal aspect is clearly noticed with the urgency of this integration of humans with technology is inevitable and upon us. This directly connected with me as it really opened my eyes on how intertwined I am with technology and my life is almost impossible without it.  


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Black Holes

This was a very engaging article. It kept my interest throughout the whole article without inserting any fluff or overly complicated writing. It allowed for the readers to stay interested in the article using a variety of techniques such as imagery, comparisons, and overall interesting facts.
            For the factual aspect of this article, it uses many facts from the scientific community in regards to its history of the theory of black holes and the actual science. The history of Einstein and how black holes were the fictional imagination of scientists. Then how it progressed onto present day of a 99.9 percent acceptance that black holes are real. Things like debunking common myths about black holes, such as the sucking; in which black holes don’t suck harder than the original star, just at a smaller size with the same power. Or how comparing the power of black holes’ gravitational forces to things like nuclear bombs. The fact if we had a nuclear bomb going off every millisecond of the universe’s life, and it still wouldn’t have as much energy being given off as a dying star. Also using the imagery how mountains of iron the size of Mount Everest were being grinded to sand in a blink of an eye, just really draw in the audience.
            The autobiographical aspect isn’t very apparent in this article as it uses the scientific community’s history and its scientists as examples. Nothing is from the authors own history or his personal experiences. This was to keep this article from seeming biased or having too much personal touch to take away from the factual side of the article.
            The abstract ideas in this article are touched near the end in referencing things like the Big Bang Theory, multiverses, what would happen in the black hole. Things that are just so big in topic and interesting to everyone. What if the universe was started by a singularity? The time travel aspect, made me feel like Marty Mcfly for a second if I got near a black hole. Except for the whole being ripped apart from gravity it all seems so mind boggling awesome.