Saturday, December 10, 2016

Note to future students

To future students,

Sean is an easy person to work with, he makes arguably the most boring subject for me easygoing and great for you to thrive in. Other writing teachers may have given you boring constraints that really limit your creativity or your own style of writing. However, Sean will allow you to work your style into the prompt and let you choose your own topic within the prompts limits. I am not going to lie the first few prompts seemed like a nightmare waiting to happen, because it was something I have not done before, but it works out really well in the end. You will find new things to add to your writing, while also cutting some bad habits.
            Honestly the only gripe I could have in his class was the dreaded blog posts I am sure most of you will know before the first day of class. I am not going to sugarcoat it, it kind of sucks and will not really get better throughout the year. Though one good thing to gain from the blogs is that it will help you retain the information throughout the year. For example, if you want to pull a writing style from a article you had to analyze, you have a fast summary to fill you in on what you need. The writing 300 words minimum is the probably the hardest challenge you need to overcome, because as Sean says it, “it will allow you to push out of your comfort zone and challenge you”. It most definitely does, and you will feel it throughout the year.
            Overall Sean was the most “human” professor I had, he was the most understanding, the best at helping me with problems I had in papers, and was just a very chill professor. The classroom was relaxing, and did not feel like a place to dread or get stressed about. He helps you pace your papers throughout the year by requiring group edits, and you can email him for more advice. You guys won’t regret choosing Sean as your writing professor and good luck!

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