Thursday, November 3, 2016

intro 2

            There you are walking in your neighborhood, people smile at you, you haven’t felt this great in years. Why are you feeling this way? That’s because this is the first time you have walked since an accident took away your precious legs and left you wheelchair bounded. This is an amazing feat of human technology to restore people to their prior selves before an illness or accident. This is not without some drawbacks, while some kids are gleaming with intense joy as if they have seen a superhero strolling around in their neighborhood. There are some kids that fall in terror, run to their parents, or just flat out cry.
              While this is a harsh reality of bioengineering, nothing is perfect, especially the technology we have currently. While our current technology can allow the blind to see, the paralyzed move, or the disabled to live life to the fullest. It comes with the painful toll of either lugging around an exhaustingly heavy metal arm that is not comfortable in the slightest, or your arm can only work four hours of the day thereby teasing the user of restoration of his body.
            Fear Not! Technology is progressing faster than ever. The fear of this technology is the pressures on our scientists. While the demand is increasing everyday, the technology has to be built on a sturdy base to allow for progression to grow to the visions that we all dream of in our fantasies.

Intro 1

What can make the paralyzed walk, the blind see, and the hopeless have hope again. Is it magic? Is it some miracle? It can be seen that way, but no this is not magic, this is bioengineering. With the power of present day technology humans can soar to new heights that are only conceivable in comic books or movies. This is not to say the dawn of enhanced humans is on us. We are far from that, but are we progressing to make impossible things possible. Very much so. This is not all without some concerns however, there are tons of issues to fix before advancing the sci-fi and comic book realm of bioengineering. While the issues may either be of the ethical or actual problems with the technology will be explored.

            In Deus Ex, a video game about a dystopian universe where bioengineered humans are seen as lesser people and starts an all-out war. While something of that nature is not present in todays world, the ideology is. Whether we like it or not, some people will always be afraid of what they do not understand, or makes them feel beneath a superior individual. The image of prosthetics can be intimidating to some and causes the growth for the needed prosthetics to be stunted. The users of these technologies are also hampered by our current technology whether it be weight, durability, comfort, or other things. The state of our world is not being significantly affected on a large scale, but it has exponential effects for those involved.