Tuesday, August 30, 2016

I Swear That Us Men Have Humanity

Well… that was a horrifying article to read. It just pains me to see how despicable human or men in this case can be. The only thing that surprises me more than the lack of humanity in these horrible people is the lack of help and/ lack of understanding from law enforcement or organizations. It is just common sense that if someone is threatened constantly or very specifically that it would not just be a “harmless locker-room talk”. Just to put it in perspective; making a claim to shoot up a school, just like the email that spread through Virginia Tech, will cause police to take the case very seriously. However, if a threat to rape and kill a woman is made constantly by the same person it is disregarded. It is understandable to say that these two situations are very different in nature and of course a school shooting is more of a priority. This cannot in any sense condone the blatant victim blaming or very unreasonable advice given by law enforcement. Such as saying to Valnti to never walk alone outside and keep aware of everyone around her. That is like saying to a human to be watchful the air we breathe. The argument about having the huge imbalance in the ratio of men to women is really hard to fix or explain. It would be a common assumption in the modern world that there is not an organized effort to keep women out of jobs in law enforcement or technology. Another tricky topic is the fight between privacy and releasing information to law enforcement. It may seem very cut and dry about how to keep the balance. Just release the bad guy’s stuff and keep good people’s information locked away. However, it would be naïve to think that is how the privacy law would be bent. It is not a thing that can be bent rather is more like a dam, in that if you chip away at it enough it will just blow through and there will be no privacy protection; for which I am a huge advocate for. The whole topic is a huge mess with no real good solution in the near future due to the tools being ready to use but nonetheless unable to use for good purpose. 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Why I’m Right and You’re Not

            The feeling of being right and having people agree with you claim to a subject is a great feeling. The feeling of respect and that little moment when our ego is boosted to a new level is a feeling we all enjoy. This has always been the case and as stated in the reading of The Loneliness of the Interconnected the internet has made it easier than ever to gain that moment. Whether it be by proving yourself right, proving someone else wrong, or just finding random facts browsing the internet; that moment is infinitesimally easier now than in the pre-Internet world. The reading is very good at providing examples and threading in said examples to prove the author’s points such as the South African president being outright idiotic by rejecting the retro-viral drugs. The author also did very well at setting up the next argument by connecting the past example to correlate with the present argument. This is well shown in the Speakers’ Corner being connected to the Internet in regards in how the audiences work. The author kept me actually interested throughout the reading by using all of these very diverse examples but then connecting them. I found the part of the alien apocalypse and spaceman story very weird in the outcome of the story and I give so much credit to the author for using that story. This is because it solidifies the fickle nature of human beings in that instead of facing the truth and countering their own beliefs, they would find excuses or other reasons to explain why their argument is right. Also what interested me is that people do not care if the majority of the world is constantly on the other side of the argument; as is in the case of South African president following the medical findings of Duesburg despite basically the whole world’s medical field being horrified. This actually has happened with my own parents, specifically my mom, who thought Obama was a Muslim terrorist because she stumbled upon it on the internet. She has gave some leeway by finally realizing Obama is not a terrorist but to this day believes he is a Muslim. So this article had a lot of great points and was an excellent read about this issue in the modern age.